Public Cloud pricing

This page lists the prices (VAT excluded) of the Public Cloud configurations. To have more information contact our sales team.

  • Guaranteed Response Time (GRT): 1hr
  • Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): 4hr
  • Availability rate: 99.7%
Cloud 100MB1Cloud 10GBCloud 20GBCloud 50GBCloud 100GBCloud 150GBCloud 300GB
Websites & domainsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Use-casesLimited trafficMedium trafficLarge trafficLarge trafficLarge trafficLarge trafficLarge traffic
Annual paymentFree7 €/mo11 €/mo22 €/mo39 €/mo59 €/mo109 €/mo
Monthly paymentFree8 €/mo13 €/mo27 €/mo49 €/mo69 €/mo135 €/mo

The Public Cloud configuration change is done through the Subscriptions menu.

We offer several programs to benefit from discounts.


The disk quota includes files, mails and databases.

  1. The free 100 MB Cloud is subject to special restrictions. It cannot be used for lucratives goals, among other things. ↩︎