Options prices - old configurations

This table presents the prices for dedicated servers options on a configuration installed before March 2020.

  • Guaranteed Response Time (GRT): 15 mins
  • Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): 1hr
  • Availability rate: 99.9%
DetailPrices/month (VAT excluded)Prices/year (VAT excluded)
480GB+ 20€+ 200€
960GB+ 40€+ 400€
1.9TB+ 70€+ 700€
2TB+ 30€+ 300€
4TB+ 60€+ 600€
6TB+ 85€+ 850€
10TB+ 140€+ 1400€
16GB 1+ 10€+ 100€

Adding/change of configuration operations prices are available in the servers interventions page. Contact the support for more information and plan the intervention.

  1. RAM is added per slot of 16GB. ↩︎