Alwaysdata Academic Cloud

This program gives formers the opportunity to invite - via the Profile > Academic Cloud menu - their students to host projects with these advantages:

  • Every student will have their free account,
  • The former will have technical permissions on all of the accounts belonging to their students,
  • These accounts are limited to 200 Mbytes of disk space,
  • Our security mechanism will not block your IP address if it detects numerous requests from the same origin (e.g. from a school class).

To benefit from this fill in your profile with your school’s information and open a ticket. The program is free of charge for public establishments and available via partnerships for private entities.


During the registration process, students can choose between several plans. To have the free Academic Cloud, they need to choose the Free Public Cloud (100MB).

Once the formation is over, students can keep their accounts, delete the permissions granted to their former, and eventually change plan.