Public Cloud Restrictions

Here is a - non-exhaustive - list of restrictions:

If any of these restrictions are violated, we reserve the right to suspend and/or cancel the profile.

Free plan

To be added to the rules presented above:

  • having a number of free accounts for the same user,
    • pay attention to not confuse account and features (websites, domains, e-mail addresses, databases, etc.).
    • An account may host as many features (e.g. as many sites) as you wish.
  • using the free account to make remote connections to one or more databases,
  • using the free account to host processes that consumes server resources - like proxies of mass e-mailing solutions,
  • using the free account for commercial/lucratives goals. E.g. it’s strictly prohibited to host company’s emails or website; to host ads that could generate incomes; to sell products on the hosted websites and mailboxes, etc.

You profile may also be automatically suspended after your administration interface has been idle for X days.