Shared Hosting for Everyone, imagined by developers, for developers.
Discovering the Public CloudOpening an urgent ticket, reserved for customers with a Dedicated/Gold server will immediately trigger taking charge by an engineer 24/7.
If the ticket covers a problem covered by our service guarantee, we will work to resolve it as a matter of priority. This does not trigger any extra charge for our customer.
If however the problem is not our responsibility, then the intervention will be charged for at a cost of €100 excl. VAT with no prior quote: simply opening the ticket in urgent mode represents acceptance of this charge. We will however, insomuch as possible, attempt to assist you in resolving the problem.
In the vast majority of cases, our monitoring automatically detects anomalies covered by our service guarantee. Consequently, there is no need to open the ticket as our team is already alerted.
Examples (a non-exhaustive list):
Examples (a non-exhaustive list):
External tools are used to check the operation of certain services in real-time: