

Docker is only available on Private Cloud environments.

Docker runs in rootless mode.


After having contacted the customer support team to install Docker on the server, prior to use, for each account you must:

  • execute in SSH:
$ install

This should return:

[INFO] needs to be started (e.g. by creating a service): 

[INFO] Creating CLI context "rootless"
Successfully created context "rootless"
  • create a services:
    • Command:

The installation is complete, you can now use the docker command normally.


You can use Docker to run sites, services, scheduled tasks or simply in SSH.

To run a site with Docker, you need to use the user program type and indicate your docker run command. Your Docker container needs to listen in HTTP on the $PORT portal, for example:

docker run -p $PORT:80 gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest
docker run -p $PORT:8080 jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11

You need to consult the documentation of your Docker image to find out exactly what to indicate.

By default, Docker listens on the private IP addresses of the account. If it is necessary for Docker to be directly accessible from the outside, you need to specify the external IP using the -p option.


The Docker containers are entirely the responsibility of our users. No managed services or assistance can be provided by alwaysdata. Specifically, Docker images generally incorporate software such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Redis, etc., which is not always administered, configured, or monitored by alwaysdata, unlike applications that run without Docker. For this reason, we strongly recommend that our users only use Docker if there is a demonstrated need, and to always seek advice from our customer support team before using a Docker image. In most cases, it is preferable not to use Docker - for example, using our marketplace or an installation guide, thereby making it possible to benefit from the alwaysdata managed services, better performance and superior reliability.