Software Architecture 2017

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This migration groups a number of changes with the following main objectives:

  • Updating all of the ready installed software,
  • Simplifying some points of our software infrastructure.

For the oldest shared accounts, this migration also includes the migration to our own hardware infrastructure.

This document describes the main incompatibilities introduced by this migration. We attempt to be as complete as possible, but it is impossible to be completely exhaustive. We strongly advise you to run a migration test to detect as many incompatibilities as possible.

This document does not describe the new functions provided by the 2017 software infrastructure as this was done in a dedicated blog article.


  • You must absolutely use the new host names for access to services introduced in 2015. You will find the addresses to use in the alwaysdata administration information, in every relevant section. The former formats, using the domain (e.g. or or with a dot between the service name and the account name (e.g. will completely stop working.

  • A number of files and directories located in each account are moved or deleted. Especially:

    • The four default files (php5.fcgi, php5.ini, php4.fcgi, php4.ini) in the $HOME/cgi-bin directory are deleted and the directory too, if it is now empty,
    • The various internal configuration files ($HOME/.env.*, $HOME/admin/apache) are moved to a $HOME/admin/config directory,
    • The $HOME/admin/ssl, $HOME/admin/session and $HOME/admin/log/awstats directories are deleted,
    • Now the logs are stored in the $HOME/admin/logs directory with a sub-directory by type (http, apache, etc.). The former log directory ($HOME/admin/log) is moved to $HOME/admin/logs/old.



  • The .php4 and .php5 file extensions are no longer supported, only the .php files are interpreted by PHP by default. You can still return to the former behavior by creating an .htaccess in the root of your account. For example, so that .php5 files are interpreted by PHP, it needs to comprise:
AddHandler fcgid-script .php5
FCGIWrapper /usr/bin/php-cgi .php5
  • It is no longer possible to run PHP 4 and PHP 5 at the same time on the same account. PHP 4 is now simply considered as a PHP version like any other, with no specificity.

  • Versions 5.5.0, 5.5.1 and 5.5.6 are replaced with 5.5.19.

  • The only PHP binary available is php. For example, do not use php-cgi.

  • Non-standard extensions (APC, Xapian, Xdebug and Mapscript for PHP 5.3 and 5.2 and Fileinfo in 5.2) are deleted. You can however install them yourself in your own account.

  • Symfony is no longer pre-installed, you need to install manually.

  • The calendar and intl extensions are no longer activated automatically. They need to be explicitly loaded into your php.ini if necessary.

  • Some minor compile options have been changed.

  • The Apache internal directives that configure PHP (in FastCGI) have been changed. This is only important where explicit references were used, e.g. for a customized Apache website where Apache internal configuration directives were simply pasted in. We suggest that users replace their customized Apache websites with standard Apache websites, inserting their own directives into the virtual host additional directives field (in the Advanced configuration) or in a .htaccess file.


  • The only Python binary available is python. For example, do not use python2.6. You will especially need to remember to replace your shebangs (the first line in a script, e.g. #!/usr/bin/python) if they do not already use python.

  • The few libraries that were previously ready installed by default are now deleted, including Django. You will therefore need to manually install all of the libraries that you will need.

  • The WSGI type applications are now served by uWSGI and not by mod_wsgi. In the vast majority of cases this will make no difference to you. If you compiled your own mod_wsgi with a customized Apache type website, it will continue to work.

  • Version 2.5.5 is replaced by 2.5.6, 2.6.6 by 2.6.9 and 3.1 by 3.3.6.


  • The only Ruby binary available is ruby. For example, do not use ruby1.8. You will especially need to remember to replace your shebangs (the first line in a script, e.g. #!/usr/bin/ruby) if they do not already use ruby.

  • The few libraries that were previously ready installed by default are now deleted, including Ruby on Rails. You will therefore need to manually install all of the libraries that you will need.

  • The Ruby Rack or Ruby on Rails type applications are now served by uWSGI and not Passenger. In the vast majority of cases this will make no difference to you. If you compiled your own Passenger with a customized Apache type website, it will continue to work.

  • Versions 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 are replaced by 1.8.7-p374 and 1.9.2 by 1.9.2-p320.



We are replacing MySQL with MariaDB 10.1 which is perfectly compatible with MySQL. MariaDB 10.1 corresponds to MySQL 5.6 or even 5.7. For further details on compatibility:


We are updating PostgreSQL to version 9.6:

We are also updating PostGIS to version 2.3:


We are updating MongoDB to version 3.2:

Important: the authentication method changes. Users with full permissions have a readWrite role, users with read only permissions have a read role.


We are updating CouchDB to version 1.6:



  • Apache is updated to version 2.2.32

  • The index.htm, index.cgi, and index.xhtml files are no longer considered as indexes. Only index.php and index.html are indexes and index.php now has priority over index.html.

  • Where no index file is present, a Forbidden error page will be displayed instead of listing the files. They can become index files once again if a .htaccess file is used to add the Options +Indexes directive.

  • The mod_dav_svn, mod_wsgi and Passenger modules are deleted.

  • The files for the other modules have been moved, but the migration will automatically handle changing the path for the LoadModule directives in customized Apache websites by making reference to it. You do not therefore have to worry about this.

Miscellaneous updates

A very large number of applications and libraries have also be updated. There are too many of them to list them all, but among the most notable ones that may trigger incompatibilities there are:

  • Erlang 19.1 (previously 15.b)
  • Haskell 7.10 (previously 6.8)
  • GDAL 1.10 (previously 1.5)
  • git 2.9 (previously 1.8)
  • ImageMagick 6.8 (previously 6.5)
  • Java JRE 7 and 8 (previously 6)
  • Lua 5.3 (previously 5.1)
  • MapServer 7.0 (previously 5.6)
  • Mercurial 3.9 (previously 1.3)
  • OCaml 4.01 (previously 3.10)
  • Perl 5.20 (previously 5.10)
  • PROJ 4.8 (previously 4.7)
  • Subversion 1.8 (previously 1.6)
  • Texlive 2014 (previously 2007)

VPS/dedicated environment

The following services, installed on request, will also be updated:

  • RabbitMQ is updated to version 3.5
  • Redis is updated to version 3.2
  • Elasticsearch is updated to version 5.5

Removal of former libraries

If you compiled your own applications, they may be linked to libraries or versions that have disappeared (due to a jump in the ABI). Your applications, or some of their functions may then stop working. You will need to recompile the relevant applications.

Among the libraries that are most likely to be affected:

  • OpenSSL. Version 0.9.8 does however remain installed alongside version 1.0.2, so your applications will continue to work. As version 0.9.8 is an old one, we still strongly recommend recompiling your applications so that they use a recent version of OpenSSL.

  • libreadline

Change in HTTP server IP

For some shared users that are still hosted by our former hardware infrastructure, the IP address of their HTTP server will need to change. Where applicable, this will be shown on the migration details page in the alwaysdata administration information. If you use our DNS servers or a CNAME, no action will be needed. If however you manually defined a type A or AAAA DNS record, then you will need to change them after performing the migration to show the new IP addresses.

The former IP addresses will however still work for a few weeks yet (operating in reverse proxy mode), but using them implies a slight increase in the latency time for your websites and an increase in the failure risk. We therefore strongly recommend changing them as quickly as possible.

Migration test

We very strongly recommend performing a migration test prior to actual migration to ensure that your applications will continue to work and to correct them if not.

SSH access

You can connect yourself to your SSH account on a temporary server. This server is equipped with the 2017 software architecture, but it accesses your real file, not a copy of them. Any change that you make will therefore immediately impact your account.

SSH may be slowed in relation to the usual SSH server. This is a consequence of the test, but this slowness will end after the actual migration.

HTTP access

You can test your sites in a number of ways:

  • by accessing it via the usual URL to which you should add the suffix For example, if your website is normally accessible at, then you can access it on the test infrastructure by going to Warning: the SSL certificate sent to the * address will not be valid so you will need to explicitly permit it via your browser. This only relates to the migration test, not the actual migration for which the certificates will not change. Important: some applications perform a redirect to the nominal URL, meaning that it is not possible to test them using this method.

  • using a browser extension to force the Host header (and therefore the requested site). For example, in Chrome, the Virtual Hosts extension. You need to connect using the HTTP test server address (e.g., but requesting the address of your website.

  • by changing your hosts file to force it to use the IP address of the HTTP test server to connect to your websites. This can be done by directly editing the relevant file or through a browser extension, e.g. HostAdmin in Firefox.

Then your applications will be started on a temporary server running on the 2017 software infrastructure as if the migration had taken place. Just like in SSH, the files in your account that this server has access to are your actual files. Accesses may also be slowed, but ignore this.

Important: the internal configuration of your alwaysdata account on this temporary server is generated when you run the test migration. It is not changed later on. For example, if you run the test migration when the PHP version defined in your environment is 5.6.27, then you go on to change this version level, this change will not be passed on to the temporary migration server. You will therefore need to run a test migration for the change to take effect. The same applies to the changes that you can make from the Web > Sites section.


When you run the test migration, all of your databases and database users are copied to a temporary server that runs the new versions. You can then access the data copied to this server using your usual identification data to perform your tests. Unlike the files used by the SSH and HTTP servers, here you are therefore working on a copy of your data. Every time the test migration is run, previous copies are overwritten with the new ones.

Help with migration

General strategy

There may be a temptation to take advantage of the migration to make drastic changes to your web applications, to their configuration or their deployment. We therefore recommend rather that you make as few changes as possible so that the migration can take place successfully (after first testing it) and that you only make major changes afterwards, once your account is running on the new infrastructure.

The main advantage of proceeding this way is that once your account is running on the new infrastructure, you can get the benefit of new options and deployment methods that are considerably simplified, especially with Python and Ruby. For example, if you had compiled your own interpreter or your own Apache modules (mod_wsgi, Passenger), there is a strong possibility that you will no longer need them once your account is running on the new infrastructure.

You have references to the Apache configuration relating to PHP

You have references to the PHP internal configuration in a .htaccess file or on a customized Apache type site (maybe you copied parts of the configuration from the sites.conf file). For example, you have references to application/x-httpd-fastphp5.

As our internal PHP configuration has changed, you configuration will stop working. If you use PHP and a customized Apache type site, we invite you to convert it into a standard Apache site and set out your specific Apache directives in a .htaccess file or in the virtual host additional directives field.

Error: “cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”

This error indicates a missing system library. Although most of the system libraries updated on the new infrastructure remain compatible with former versions (as the ABI remains the same), some are not (there is a change in ABI version level). If your applications are dependent on these libraries, they will no longer find them.

The following libraries are affected:

In general, these libraries are not used directly by the applications, but through dependencies (Python module, Ruby gem, PHP extension). Recompiling these modules on the new infrastructure will generally let them use the new library version, but then they will no longer run on the former infrastructure.

Another solution is sometimes possible: when compiling the module, choosing to disable some functions to stop it from using the relevant library. For example, you can compile the Pillow module without support for TIFF files by proceeding as follows:

$ pip install Pillow --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--disable-tiff"

Migrating a Python application to FastCGI

If you have a Python application (e.g. using Django) that works with FastCGI, with a .htaccess file and a .fcgi script. FastCGI will continue to run on the new infrastructure like it did before, but if you do not use a virtualenv you will need to manually install the Python system libraries as they are no longer ready installed on the new infrastructure.

  • In SSH, install all of the libraries that you need, for example:

    $ mkdir $HOME/python_libs; PYTHONPATH=$HOME/python_libs easy_install --always-copy --install-dir $HOME/python_libs Django==1.6 psycopg2==2.0.11
  • Change your .fcgi file to replace the shebang (the first line), generally #!/usr/bin/python with #!/usr/bin/eval PYTHONPATH=/home/foo/python_libs python, foo being replaced by your account name.

Using your own mod_wsgi module

You compiled your own Python interpreter and the mod_wsgi module that you use with a customized Apache type site. Make sure that you did define the Apache WSGIPythonHome directive or you may have errors on the new infrastructure, such as:

ImportError: No module named _sysconfigdata_nd

If your Python interpreter is in the /home/foo/python directory, then you need to use directive:

WSGIPythonHome /home/foo/python

Using the system mod_wsgi module

You have a customized Apache type site that loads the system module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ As stated above, this module is no longer present in the new infrastructure (replaced by WSGI). To simplify the migration, you can:

  • download the file to your account:

  • replace the /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ path in your customized Apache web site directives with the path to the file downloaded to your account, e.g. /home/foo/