Renewing a Domain

Go to Domains > Details of [] - πŸ”Ž > RENEW.

Renew a domain
Renew a domain

Automatic renewal

This is set up via Domains > Details of [] - πŸ”Ž > ACTIVATE (opposite Automatic renewal).

Configure automatic renewal for one domain
Configure automatic renewal for one domain

To set up automatic renewal for all of the new domains in an account, go to Domains > Configuration (accessible via the drop down menu on the right of Add a domain).

Configure automatic renewal for new domains
Configure automatic renewal for new domains

A domain with automatic renewal in place has an icon showing this:

Automatic renewal domain
Automatic renewal domain

By default the automatic renewal will take place 45 days before expiration.


Automatic renewal for a domain can only be completed if the prepaid account has the necessary credit to pay for this OR a credit card or bank account is provided for automatic debits. To set up automatic payments, go to the Billing > Payment Methods menu in your Client Area.

Bank account automatic debits

Direct debits from a bank account are not immediately taken into account.

To avoid suspension of the domain before the debit is taken into account, a period of 15 days is therefore set up between the activation date of the automatic renewal and the expiration date of the domain. In other words, if a domain expires within 15 days of the day that the auto-renewal is activated, then it will be necessary to renew it yourself. The system will not do it itself.