Configuring Gmail

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In our examples we consider the following information:

  • Account name: test
  • Mailbox:

They must be replaced by your personal login information:

IncomingPOP3POP Serverpop-[account]
UsernameYour email address - for example
PasswordThe password of your email address
OutgoingSMTPSMTP Serversmtp-[account]
UsernameYour email address - for example
PasswordThe password of your email address
Do not treat as an alias
Secured connection

[account] must be replaced by the name of your account and by your email address. They are defined in the Emails > Addresses menu of our administration interface.

Web browser

Go to Parameters > Accounts and imports.

Gmail: interface
Gmail: interface
Gmail: account settings
Gmail: account settings

Incoming mails (IMAP/POP)

Go to Add a mail account > Import e-mails from my other account (POP3).

This is a POP3 connection that will get e-mail from the e-mail servers.

Gmail: create a POP account
Gmail: create a POP account
Gmail: create a POP account - result
Gmail: create a POP account - result

Outgoing mails (SMTP)

Go to Add another e-mail address.

  • Uncheck the Treat as an alias box.
Gmail: create an SMTP account
Gmail: create an SMTP account
Gmail: create an SMTP account - result
Gmail: create an SMTP account - result


Go to Settings > Add an account > Other.

Gmail on mobile
Gmail on mobile
  • For outgoing mail, check the Demand a connection box.