Create a Mailing List

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Discovering the Public Cloud

To create a mailing list, login to the administration interface, menu Emails > Mailing-lists.

User management

You must define at least one administrator user to manage your mailing list.

To define a new user to manage your mailing lists, go to the User management section, then Add User.

If mailing lists have already been defined, you can already associate permissions to these lists to this new user.

User email address does not need to belong to the same domain as the mailing list. For example, you can define a user as the administrator of the list

Managing Mailing Lists

To define a new mailing list, go to Add a mailing list.


  • a name for your mailing list that will be the local part of the list’s email address (for example, for a mailing list behind the email address, the list name will be foo),
  • the domain to which the list is attached. This domain must be available in the list of domains for which you have administrative permissions,
  • the permissions attached to the users you have defined in the User Management section.