Shared Hosting for Everyone, imagined by developers, for developers.
Discovering the Public CloudMongoDB is a document-oriented noSQL database program.
In our example, we use the SSH access and consider the following information:
and [version]
must be replaced by accurate informations.
foo@ssh:~/mongodb$ wget -O-[version].tgz | tar -xz --strip-components=1
foo@ssh:~/mongodb$ mkdir -p data log
Choose the package tgz and the platform Debian of the version 7.0 of the tarball.
Create a service with following details:
/home/[foo]/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath ./data/ --logpath ./log/mongo.log --ipv6 --bind_ip_all
Public Cloud users will need to point the service to a port between 8300 and 8499 and add the --port
option to the command.
Private Cloud users will need to open the port by creating a firewall rule if they want to access it from the external network:
Title | Value |
Protocol | UDP/TCP |
Type | ACCEPT |
Direction | Input |
Hosts | <specify nothing> |
Ports | 27017 |
IP version | IPv4/IPv6 |