Installing New Relic

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New Relic monitors the applications and helps to optimize them. It offers agents in a number of languages and here we will present the steps needed to install the PHP and Python agents.

In our example, we use the SSH access and consider the following information:

  • Account name: foo

[foo], [newrelic-last-version], [version] et REPLACE_WITH_LICENSE_KEY must be replaced by accurate informations.


Given the specificities of our infrastructure, their installation script cannot be used on our servers, so here are the steps to follow.

  • New Relic directory: $HOME/newrelic/

Private Cloud

Step 1: Download the agent

foo@ssh:~/newrelic$ wget -O-<newrelic-last-version>-linux.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1

Download page

Step 2: Modify php.ini

Add to php.ini (Environment > PHP):

extension = /home/[foo]/newrelic/agent/x64/newrelic-[version].so
newrelic.license = "REPLACE_WITH_REAL_KEY"
newrelic.enabled = true
newrelic.loglevel = "info"
newrelic.logfile = "/home/[foo]/newrelic/php_agent.log"

More options are available from file /home/[foo]/newrelic/scripts/newrelic.ini.template.

Step 3: Start the daemon

Create a service with the following details:

  • Command: /home/[foo]/newrelic/daemon/newrelic-daemon.x64 -f --logfile /home/[foo]/newrelic/daemon/log
  • Working directory: /home/[foo]/newrelic

Public Cloud

Step 1: Download the agent

foo@ssh:~/newrelic$ wget -O-<newrelic-last-version>-linux.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1

Download page

Step 2: Modify php.ini

Add to php.ini (Environment > PHP):

extension = /home/[foo]/newrelic/agent/x64/newrelic-[version].so
newrelic.license = "REPLACE_WITH_REAL_KEY"
newrelic.enabled = true
newrelic.loglevel = "info"
newrelic.logfile = "/home/[foo]/newrelic/php_agent.log"

More options are available from file /home/[foo]/newrelic/scripts/newrelic.ini.template.


New Relic is a Python module to be installed as other ones. If the application uses a virtualenv, New Relic will need to be installed at its level.

Step 1: Install the agent

foo@ssh:~$ python -m pip install newrelic
foo@ssh:~$ newrelic-admin generate-config REPLACE_WITH_LICENSE_KEY newrelic.ini

Step 2: Modify the app configuration

Add to the .py application file:

import newrelic.agent