Installing Redis

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Discovering the Public Cloud

Redis is an in-memory data structure store.

Here is a guide to installing it on the Public Cloud.

For Private Cloud users Redis can be installed at server level.

In our example, we use the SSH access and consider the following information:

  • Account name: foo
  • Redis directory: $HOME/redis/
  • Port: 8300 (ports between 8300 and 8499 can be used)

[foo] must be replaced by the accurate account name.


foo@ssh:~/redis$ wget -O- | tar -xz --strip-components=1
foo@ssh:~/redis$ make

Service launch

Create the following service:

  • Command: ./src/redis-server --bind :: --port 8300 --protected-mode no
  • Monitoring command: ./src/redis-cli -h services-[foo] -p 8300 ping
  • Working directory : /home/[foo]/redis

More options via $HOME/redis/src/redis-cli -h.

The next step is to configure the application to connect to Redis using services-[foo] and port 8300.


By default anyone can connect to Redis; there is no security. An authentication can be set up. In the following example, we will provide a password ([password]) to the default user.

foo@ssh:~/redis$ ./src/redis-cli -h services-[foo] -p 8300
services-[foo]> ACL LIST
1) "user default on nopass sanitize-payload ~* &* +@all"

services-[foo]> ACL SETUSER default on >[password]

services-[foo]> ACL LIST
1) "user default on sanitize-payload #1ccc91f99d0c4c7a24e77941b18c0339ecb3eaf5ad7ae9ad816a7e69d83b69db ~* &* +@all"

services-[foo]> AUTH default [password]

ACL LIST lists the users and gives information about the users' rights. ACL SETUSER creates or modifies users.