Creating Your Own Installation Script

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Any user may propose a script in the language of their choice allowing users to install their application. This script will be run with the permissions for the account where installation took place and must start with a YAML format comment.

Create an application script
Create an application script

Scripts comprise two parts:

  • the YAML format dataset for configuring the site and requesting the information required by the script (the FORM_* variables) from the user. It can be split into four:

    • site: refer to the API documentation that restates all of the possible options.
    • database: mysql, postgresql, couchdb, rabbitmq.
    • requirements: specify limiting requirements which blocks their installation on certain plans.
    • form: all of the variables requested from the user creating the site. Example: site title, administrator ID, e-mail address, administrator’s name, etc.
  • the actual script.

Environment variables

USERAccount namefoo
HOMEAccount root for the script/home/foo/example/
APPLICATION_NAMEApplication name
INSTALL_URL_PATHSite root (base URL)/test
INSTALL_PATH_RELATIVERelative path from the account root (without final slash)example
INSTALL_PATHAbsolute path (without final slash)/home/foo/example
DATABASE_USERNAMEDatabase connection user (managed automatically)foo_*
DATABASE_PASSWORDUser password for database connection (managed automatically)
DATABASE_NAMESite database (managed automatically)foo_*
DATABASE_HOSTHost name for database server (base MySQL)
SMTP_HOSTHost name for mail sending server
RESELLER_DOMAINRoot domain used by the hosting
FORM_*Other variables explicitly requested from the user in the “form” section in the YAML dataset
PORTSpecific port for User program, Node.js, Elixir, .NET or Deno type sites
:: or IPSpecific port for User program, Node.js, Elixir, .NET or Deno type sites (prefer :: to IP)

If other variables are needed, open a support ticket.

Notes and tips

  • The script needs to start with set -e to stop it when it fails,
  • Specify the version of the language used (PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js and Elixir). This is recommended to avoid being dependent on the default account configuration,
  • The root directory specified by the user (INSTALL_PATH) serves as the root for a script (an export HOME= is run by default),
  • It is preferable to request a minimum amount of information to avoid making the script an exhaustive one. Users may change the configuration of their application later on.
  • To add an optional form field, set the required option to false. If the user does not specify anything, the field remains blank,
  • labels are translatables. Depending on the language chosen in its alwaysdata administration interface, the user can have the form questions in the specified languages.

To make a script accessible to alwaysdata platform users, check the box to make it public. Any script marked as public must be maintained and will at least be checked by the alwaysdata team.

A deposit URL may be provided to make maintenance easier. In this case, once the changes are pushed to the deposit all that remains is to update the application via the button provided.

Example - Drupal installation script


# site:
#     type: php
#     path: '{INSTALL_PATH_RELATIVE}/web'
#     php_version: '8.0'
# database:
#     type: mysql
# requirements:
#     disk: 140
# form:
#     language:
#         type: choices
#         label:
#             en: Language
#             fr: Langue
#         choices:
#             de: Deutsch
#             en: English
#             es: Español
#             fr: Français
#             it: Italiano
#     site_name:
#         label:
#             en: Site name
#             fr: Nom du site
#         max_length: 255
#     email:
#         type: email
#         label:
#             en: Email
#             fr: Email
#     admin_username:
#         label:
#             en: Administrator username
#             fr: Nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur
#         regex: ^[ a-zA-Z0-9.@_-]+$
#         min_length: 5
#         max_length: 255
#     admin_password:
#         type: password
#         label:
#             en: Administrator password
#             fr: Mot de passe de l'administrateur
#         min_length: 5
#         max_length: 255

set -e


# Downloading the tool
COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/dev/null composer2 require drush/drush 10
COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/dev/null composer2 create-project drupal/recommended-project

# Install
echo "y" | php vendor/drush/drush/drush.php si --db-url=mysql://"$DATABASE_USERNAME":"$DATABASE_PASSWORD"@"$DATABASE_HOST"/"$DATABASE_NAME" --account-name="$FORM_ADMIN_USERNAME" --account-pass="$FORM_ADMIN_PASSWORD" --account-mail="$FORM_EMAIL" --site-name="$FORM_SITE_NAME" --locale="$FORM_LANGUAGE" --root=recommended-project

if [ "$INSTALL_URL_PATH" != "/" ]
    sed -i "s|# RewriteBase /$|RewriteBase $INSTALL_URL_PATH|" recommended-project/web/.htaccess

# Cleaning the environment
rm -rf .composer .drush .subversion vendor composer.json composer.lock

shopt -s dotglob
mv recommended-project/* .
rmdir recommended-project

The disk:140 condition specifies that the Drupal installation requires 140 MB of disk space. The free offer is therefore too tight.