Login Information

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Shared Hosting for Everyone, imagined by developers, for developers.

Discovering the Public Cloud

The subdomain assigned to you when your account is created will end with a .net extension and not a .com extension like other alwaysdata domains.

Every time you encounter the *-[account].alwaysdata.net format, you need to replace [account] with the name of your account as chosen when it was created.

E-mail/password, 2-factors auth ready
APIapi.alwaysdata.com/v1 (with a rate limit)
Tokens available in Profile
DNSPrimary: dns1.alwaysdata.com
Secondary: dns2.alwaysdata.com
MXPrimary: mx1.alwaysdata.com (TTL: 10)
Secondary: mx2.alwaysdata.com (TTL: 20)
if Private Cloud: [server].alwaysdata.net (TTL: 5)
MySQLHost: mysql-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 3306
Administration interface: phpMyAdmin
PostgreSQLHost: postgresql-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 5432
Administration interface: phpPgAdmin
RabbitMQHost: rabbitmq-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 5672
RedisHost: localhost or
Port: 6380
MemcachedHost: localhost or
Port: 11211
IMAPHost: imap-[account].alwaysdata.net
Ports: 993 (SSL/TLS)
POP3Host: pop-[account].alwaysdata.net
Ports: 995 (SSL/TLS)
SMTPHost: smtp-[account].alwaysdata.net
Ports: 465 (SSL/TLS)
Identification: e-mail (address and the password assigned to it)
Remote access
FTPHost: ftp-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 990 (SSL/TLS)
SFTPHost: ssh-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 22
SSHHost: ssh-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 22
Web access (via Shell in a box): https://ssh-[account].alwaysdata.net
WebDAVHost: webdav-[account].alwaysdata.net
Port: 80
Host: services-[account].alwaysdata.net
Ports: between 8300 and 8499

The default login corresponds - except for emails for which the username is the email address - to the account name and the password is the one indicated at the creation of the account. All passwords are encrypted - and therefore unrecoverable - but can be modified in the dedicated menus.