SSH Troubleshooting

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Should connection issues arise, you can always use the ssh -v [user]@ssh-[account] command to get more information.

Replace [user] with your SSH user name and ssh-[account] with your SSH hostname.

An IP blockage occurs after some ten failed attempts to connect to the server.

alwaysdata has connection logs that you may exceptionally request a copy of.

Too many authentication failures

This is an SSH key issue, state the corresponding key. If you cannot find it, connect by password and update the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file.


An account’s SSH server might change from time to time. The new fingerprints are shown in Remote access > SSH.

You have to update the known_hosts file, which is possible via the following command:

$ ssh-keygen -R [hostname]

Input/output error

Error linked to operations at our end. Please wait until these are finished, but you can also contact support for more information.


Employing several SSH users may have secondary and undesirable effects: errors when accessing certain files and when deleting files, etc.

In this case, you can:

  • delete the problem SSH user. This automatically reassigns the files it owned to the main user.
  • use the chmod command with the owner user of the files concerned in order to give the necessary rights to the group.

The processes started up by a site (Web > Sites), typically Apache or PHP, run with the main user.